Saturday, July 15, 2023

“Notes Version 1.0”

 I have just completed a short study on the Book of Genesis. The how and why of it is not understood by some, and that is why I put these notes here.

Many people read the Bible, sometimes more than once. Like a textbook in Physics, just reading it is not enough to understand it. As a kid in high school I had a teacher that asked us to outline a chapter from a textbook.


Books, especially textbooks, present information in small doses. For instance, a textbook about the study of “Statics” began with what does “Statics” mean. Statics is the study of the moment something starts to move. It is one of the building blocks in engineering. To understand what “Statics” means, then the textbook goes into the math of it.

By outlining a book you can find the chapters, sections, paragraphs, and sentences that provide the “meaning”. This takes just reading something to a higher level of “understanding”.

Do an outline by yourself, without using other sources that have outlined the book. Then compare and contrast your outline with that of others. Meaning and understanding is revealed. It may create questions that require further investigation.

That is the purpose of The Bible. To answer your questions about God and Jesus. The idea that something is true, just because someone told you it was true, does not equal “Understanding” or “Truth”.

My father had a saying, “The Bible is true, but not everything in the Bible is true.” Take this verse as an analogy of what my father said, ” For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Gen 3:5) This verse is the Serpent speaking to the woman in the Garden of Eden. It is True that the Serpent said this. It is the first lie in the Bible that the Serpent was not truthful.

As I continue to add notes I will provide an outline to Genesis, that may help in the study of the Beginning.

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