Saturday, July 15, 2023

“12 Brothers 12 Tribes”

 As Jacob, now called Israel, is dying, he foretells his son’s last days.

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

“Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father.” (Gen 49:2)

Reuben had committed a gross sin by laying with Jacob’s wife. He forfeited his birthright by doing so. The Tribe of Reuben will never excel.

Simeon and Levi were cruel and cursed in Jacob’s eyes. Their vengeance taken on the Shechemites was murder. Jacob knew the sin they harbored. He scatters the Tribes of Simeon and Levi. Levi is scattered to be priests in Israel.

Judah, his name means “Praise”. Judah will be as strong and as stable as a lion. The sceptre will not depart from Judah. He will bring kings.

Zebulun will be a haven for ships.

Issachar will burden in the fields, yet the fields will yield pleasant fruits. His rest will be abundant based on his labor.

Dan is described as a snake, a deadly snake at that who blocks the road of a traveler. Not against the Tribes, but against the enemies of Israel.

Gad, which means “Troop” will at first seem defeated, but in the end achieves victory.

Asher will be rich and enjoy those riches, although he will be envied by others.

Naphtali is a hound set loose. Unlike the sure and steady perseverance of a donkey, he will seek quick results. He will cover himself through godly words.

Joseph was the cornerstone of Israel and its tribes. He had suffered the indignities of his brothers, but kept his faith. He followed the directions of God and did not waiver. Joseph will be the shepherd of Israel’s tribes.

Benjamin will be like a wolf. A warlike tribe that will attack the enemy as a wolf would attack a prey. Unlike the wolf, Benjamin will share his victories with the other Tribes.

“All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it that their father spake unto them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.” (Gen 49:28)

Jacob dies. Joseph petitions the Pharaoh to return his father’s body to Canaan to bury with the Patriarchs, Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac. The Egyptian leadership mourned the passing of a great man. Even the land of Canaan saw the mourning of Egypt and paid respects to Jacob.

Joseph’s brothers are worried that now that their father is dead Joseph could deal harshly with them. Joseph was not that type of man. He worshiped and had faith in God. He put his brothers fear to rest and told them that one day they would return to the land of Canaan. Joseph told them to fear God and have faith. Then Joseph died. Joseph lived 110 years.

The End of Genesis.

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