Saturday, July 15, 2023

Outline of Genesis


Chapter 1 Creation of the World

Chapter 2 God’s work is done, Creation of the Garden of Eden, Creation of
Adam, Warning against eating of the tree of life and the tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Creation of Woman.

Chapter 3 The Serpent in the Garden of Eden, The first lie, The Fall of Man
The Woman is named Eve.

Chapter 4 Cain and Abel, The Genealogy of Cain, Eve Bears Another Son,
Seth’s Name Changed to Enos, Men Begin to Call to God.

Chapter 5 The Generations of Adam, Adam is Now the Name of Humanity,
Noah is born.

Chapter 6 The Wickedness of the World, God Provoked, Noah Finds Grace,
Noah’s Ark

Chapter 7 The Flood

Chapter 8 The Flood Ends

Chapter 9 God Creates a Covenant With Noah, The Rainbow, Noah
Curses Canaan, Noah Dies.

Chapter 10 The Generations of Noah’s Sons.

Chapter 11 The Tower of Babel, The Generations of Noah’s Sons Continue,
Abram, Sari, and Lot are born.

Chapter 12 Abram, Sari, and Lot Enter Canaan, Abram and Sari Lie About
Their Relationship, God Troubles Pharaoh, Pharaoh Kicks
Abram out of Egypt

Chapter 13 Abram and Lot Separate, Abram Sees the Land of Canaan.

Chapter 14 The War of the Nine Kings, Lot is Captured in the War, Abram
Rescues Lot, Abram Refuses Sodom’s Reward.

Chapter 15 Abram Has a Vision and Conversation with God, God Makes a
Covenant with Abram

Chapter 16 Sari and Hagar, An Angel Speaks to Hagar, Hagar Bears
Abram a Son

Chapter 17 God Creates Another Covenant with Abram, Abram’s Name is
Changed to Abraham, Circumcision is Required, Sari’s Name
Changed to Sarah, God Promises Sarah a Child.

Chapter 18 Three Men Meet Abraham, Sarah Laughs, Abraham Talks to
God about Sodom and Gomorrah

Chapter 19 Two Angels Meet Lot at Sodom, The Angels Tell Lot How to
Escape, Lots Wife Violates the Angel’s Instructions, Sodom
and Gomorrah are destroyed, Lot’s Dilemma.

Chapter 20 Abraham and Sarah Deceive Abimelech, God Puts Fear Into
Abimelech’s Heart, God Healed Abimelech.

Chapter 21 Sarah Conceives and Bears Isaac, Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar,
God Provides for Hagar, The Covenant Between Abraham and

Chapter 22 God Tempts Abraham, The Story of Isaac and the Sacrifice

Chapter 23 Sarah Dies and is Buried

Chapter 24 Abraham Sends a Servant to find Isaac a Wife, The Servant
Finds Isaac a wife. Isaac Marries Rebekah

Chapter 25 Abraham Dies and is Buried with Sarah, The Generations of
Hagar’s Son Ishmael, The Generations of Isaac, The Story of
Esau and Jacob.

Chapter 26 God Reminds Isaac of the Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and
Rebekah Deceive Abimelech, Abimelech Sends Isaac Out of
His Land, Isaac and Abimelech Create a Covenant of Peace
Between them, Esau marries a Canaanite

Chapter 27 Rebekah and Jacob Deceives Isaac, Jacob Flees From Esau

Chapter 28 Isaac Tells Jacob Not to Marry a Canaanite, Isaac Sends Jacob
Hide at Laban’s House, Esau Marries a Canaanite, God
Speaks to Jacob in a dream

Chapter 29 Jacob Meets Rachel, Jacob Meets Laban His Uncle, Laban
Promises Jacob to Wed Rachel In Return For Seven Years
Of Work, Jacob Fulfills His Side of the Bargain, Laban
Deceives Jacob, Jacob Marries Leah, Jacob Marries Rachel,
Jacob Works Another Seven Years, Leah Bares Jacob His
First Son, Leah Bares Another Three Sons

Chapter 30 The Jealousy of Rachel and Leah, Jacob and Laban Compete

Chapter 31 Jacob Escapes Laban, Rachel Steals Laban’s Idols, Jacob and
Laban Create a Covenant Between Them

Chapter 32 Jacob’s Flees Esau, Jacob Wrestles With God, God Changes
Jacob’s Name to Israel

Chapter 33 Jacob Meets Esau

Chapter 34 Dinah’s Sin, Hamor Tries to Convince Jacob to Create a
Covenant Between Them, Simeon and Levi Deceive Hamor
and Murders All the Men of the City, Jacob Rebukes Simeon
and Levi

Chapter 35 God Tells Jacob to go to Bethel, Jacob Commands His Children
to be Clean, God Reminds Jacob of His New Name and
God’s Covenant With Abraham, Rachel Dies and is Buried
in Bethlehem, Isaac Dies

Chapter 36 The Generations of Esau

Chapter 37 The Story of Joseph, Joseph is Sold By His Brother’s to
Ishmeelites, Ishmeelites Sell Joseph to Egypt

Chapter 38 Judah’s Issues

Chapter 39 Joseph is Protected by God, The Master’s Wife Chases Joseph,
Joseph in Prison

Chapter 40 Joseph Interprets the Dreams of the Butler and Baker

Chapter 41 Joseph Interprets the Pharaoh’s Dream, Joseph is Promoted
to the Second in Command of all Egypt, Joseph Manages
Plenty and Famine

Chapter 42 Jacob Sends his Sons to Buy Corn from Egypt, Joseph Meets
His Brothers but they do not Know Him, Joseph calls them
Spies, Joseph Keeps Simeon as a Hostage Until the Brothers
Return, Joseph Puts Their Money Back in Their Sacks, Jacob
and His Sons Fear What Egypt Might Do To Them

Chapter 43 Jacob Sends his Sons a Second Time, Jacob Agrees to Send
Benjamin with them, Joseph Meets the Brothers and
Communes With Them

Chapter 44 Joseph Packs the Brother’s Full of Corn and puts the Money
in Their Packs, Judah Pleads Their Case

Chapter 45 Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers, Joseph Invites Jacob’s
Whole Family to Live in Egypt

Chapter 46 God Directs Israel to Go Down to Egypt, Pharoah Meets the

Chapter 47 Israel Settles Down in the Land of Goshen, Joseph Manages
Egypt’s Wealth, Israel Asks to be Buried with His Fathers

Chapter 48 Jacob Reminds Joseph of God’s Covenant, Jacob Blesses Joseph
and His Sons

Chapter 49 Jacob Tells his Son’s What is in Their Future. Jacob Dies

Chapter 50 Jacob’s Funeral, Jacob is Buried With His Fathers in Canaan,
Joseph Forgives His Brothers, Joseph Dies and is Buried in
a Coffin in Egypt

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