Saturday, July 15, 2023

“The Brothers Return”

“And Jacob their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away: all these things are against me.” (Genesis 42:36)

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

Israel has had a rough time. Some of it was well deserved, but he was doing his best to reform his family. His favorite son Joseph had been killed and now his son Simeon is a prisoner in the Pharaoh’s prison. To add to the problems now the Pharaoh’s governor wants the youngest child to be brought to him. His fear was more than he could bear. If his youngest child should die, Israel will die.

If you think Israel is afraid, his sons are terrified. The food they had brought from Egypt is about to run out. They would have to return to Egypt to buy more. If they do not bring the youngest brother, Benjamin, the Pharaoh’s governor will kill them. Add to that the fact if they returned with the money they used to buy the first supplies they would be sunk. The Pharaoh’s governor would accept that they were not spies when they brought Benjamin, but he would be even more angry to think they were thieves. To them this is as dangerous as sticking your head in an alligators mouth.

The sons of Israel were also full of guilt. They all knew what had been done to Joseph, and that was the sin that was held over them. The beauty of this story is God at work.

Genesis chapter 43 tells the story. Israel is stuck between famine or violence. The past actions of his sons have weighed heavy on him. Israel was doing his best to get food and his sons back. Israel has faith that God will provide.

Israel has his sons pack up all of the money they returned with, added money to buy supplies, and assembled a gift to the governor. His hope was that this will buy food and his sons safe return. Israel sends them off to Egypt.

The next meeting with Joseph is exceptional.

Stay tuned…

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