Monday, July 17, 2023

“The 10 Commandments”

 “Thou shalt not steal.” (Exodus 20:15)

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

Got your hand in the cookie jar? It is stealing if those cookies are not yours. This includes taking charity when you no longer need charity. Creating a charity to take from others to promote yourself. To pay someone a small amount of money, when you know the service or goods are much more expensive.

We are commanded to be honest.

A simple honesty test I have used is as follows:

The Story, you go to a local doughnut shop and buy 12 doughnuts. as you are headed home you reach into the box to get a doughnut. Instead of a nice warm doughnut, you find that there is $10,000 in the box.

The Question, what do you do?

The Answer, is in your heart.

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