Thursday, July 20, 2023

“Once Bitten, Twice Shy”

 “And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners.” (Numbers 21:1)

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

A nation, every nation, has five instruments of power. The acronym D.I.M.E. is used to explain what they are.

Diplomacy. The ability of a country to use diplomatic means when dealing with hostile forces is important. The children of Israel faced that problem with the Kingdom of Edom.

Moses sent diplomats to the Kingdom of Edom to obtain permission to cross the nations borders. They promised to not damage or take anything and go only by the King’s highway.

The King refused them. The children of Israel asks again, but promises to pay of any water that their cattle may take. The King not only refused, but he sent a great army. The children of Israel retreated.

Intelligence. The ability of a country to find out information about other nations is key to planning defensive and offensive operations. The children of Israel face that problem when they sent spies into Canaan.

King Arad had detected the spies in Canaan. The King then went out and fought Israel capturing prisoners. The spies had brought back information about the land of Canaan. Which would be used in their favor.

Military. Armed forces are closely connected to Diplomacy and Intelligence. Military power, whether used or not, increases the ability of any nation to tip the scales in Diplomatic negotiations.

Israel responded to the threat of King Arad by vowing to God that if God would deliver their enemies to them; they would destroy them. God delivered, and King Arad was destroyed.

Economic. Without Diplomacy, Intelligence, and Military power; Economic power, great or small, makes you a target. Israel’s enemies were militarily strong, but Diplomatically and Intelligence weak. They were also lacking in a very important power…that is the power of God.

Without God none of these Instruments of Power have any power.

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