Thursday, July 6, 2023



CopyRight CaptBlackEagle

Genesis chapter 4 tells the story of Cain and Able. As simple as it sounds it tells the story not just of the one brother killing the other, but of how Cain felt no remorse for what he had done. Cain worried more about what other people would do to him. This quickly becomes the way of the world. With an exception.

After the death of Able, Eve gave birth to Seth. In the genealogy,, Seth’s line leads to Jesus. And now comes Noah.

God was extremely angry at the evil that was on the Earth. Every evil imaginable was living in the heart of man. So God, told Noah to build a boat to hold 2 of all the animals in the sky and creeping around on the ground. He added 7 of each of the clean animals to be used for a sacrifice.

When God destroyed the evil people on the world with a flood, he knew that evil would continue in this world. Noah was not a savior for the world Noah was not a perfect soul, however, he was striving to serve God. Noah walked with God, not against him.

Isn’t that the problem with the believer? Satan whispers to you those things that are pleasant to the eye, or what makes you feel good. That is not what is actually good. It is the evil that still exists and destroys you.

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