Thursday, July 20, 2023


Leviticus is the third book of the bible.

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

Leviticus was the translation of pre-Christian Greek meaning “relating to the Levites”. The Hebrew title is wayyiqra’, which means “and he called”, an obvious reference to God called.

Leviticus is a manual for how Israelites are to be holy and worship God in a holy way. Israel is expected to be separate from sin and to perform their daily duties in a way that honors God.

The regulations given to the Israelites are extremely tough. Leviticus requires perfection in animals used for sacrifice. Priests are to be without deformity, men and women have personal issues concerning bodily deformations, fluids, and skin diseases.

Leviticus is broken into distinct parts.

Five types of offerings

The installation and ministry of Aaron and his son’s as priests

The distinction between clean and unclean

The annual day of atonement

Holy living

Regulations and offerings vowed to God

Stay Tuned…

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