Monday, July 17, 2023


 “Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.” (Exodus 17:8)

Copyright CaptBlackEagle 2020

Amalek arrives at Rephidim to do battle with the children of Israel. Moses selected Joshua as his commander in the field. Moses, Arron, and Hur went to the top of a hill.

At the top of the hill Moses raised the Rod of God above his head toward the heavens. As long as Moses kept the Rod above his head, the children of Israel were winning. But Moses was not a young man. When his arms could no longer hold up the Rod then Amalek was winning. Aaron and Hur supported Moses by holding his arms up. Amalek is defeated.

It sounds like a simple short story, but it isn’t.

Moses promotes Joshua to be his commander in the field. Joshua alone can not win this battle. Moses calls on God to prevail, but Moses alone is not strong enough to hold the Rod of God above the battle. Aaron and Hur can not hold the Rod of God. They can only hold Moses’s arms above him.

Without God, the children of Israel are doomed to destruction.

With God, the children of Israel are triumphant.

Without God, no matter how hard you work, we are doomed to destruction.

With God, though we struggle, God supports us and gives us eternal life.

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