Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Way

 This is a series that is created to show The Way to Eternal Salvation through the Word of God. I know that many people have the notion that there are many ways to Salvation, whether it be through Jesus, or other people.

When it comes to following other people my goal is to show how following other people is a bad habit to get into. People, as good as their intentions may be, are as flawed as you and I. An example, when I met some people who had heard of me, one of them said, “He is a Man of God”.

I had to ask myself, are they saying this to exalt myself to some level above others, or is it a platitude to just make me feel good about them and myself? I call this the Argument of Compliments. In fact, I am not a Man of God, I am a Child of God. We are all Children of God. We all have equal footing in the presence of God.

Each of these articles will be short and to the point. At least as short as I can make them.

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