Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Pondering Otter: Depression.

I was pondering some of life's great questions with my otter.

Questions like "Is a naval orange actually aquatic?"

We battled back and forth and finally my pondering otter said,

"Should crazy people diagnose their own brand of crazy?"

That is when I countered, "But only someone who has been through it can understand it."

That pondering otter got me good with "Really? So if you burn yourself are you saying only someone who has been burned can fix it? If you break your leg only someone who has broken their leg can fix you?"

Well he had me, but to at least score one point I said, "This is all true pondering otter, but only someone who has been where I have been should judge me?"

Pondering otter sat there for a moment and said, "Then only you can judge you. And we know you are nuts. Should you be trusted with that task?

Good point Pondering Otter....good point.